The Tarot is a tool we can use to illuminate our subconscious, especially when we’re struggling or feeling stuck.
Tarot taps into our imagination through imagery. We dream in pictures, and the word imagination comes from the latin verb imaginari meaning "to picture oneself."
All Luminous Tarot Readings are done personally by Louise Wallis - also known as Luminous - Artist, Yogi, and owner of Mind Body Zone.
Louise’s fascination with Tarot began in the early 90s, when she first began reading for others.
She uses three Tarot decks: the original Rider Waite (the quintessential Tarot pack), the Rock & Roll Tarot (a rare deck, traditional in style but with a modern twist), and Oracle of the Dreamtime (beautiful round cards inspired by Aboriginal culture one of the oldest n the planet). You can choose which deck you’d prefer, when buying a Reading.
Louise is a member of TABI (Tarot Association of the British Isles), which aims to “promote the highest standards of ethics in teaching and reading Tarot”. As such, she adheres to the following standards:
Readings are in confidence between Louise and the client
Readings aim to help the client to take charge of their own life
If appropriate, Louise will suggest that clients consult a qualified professional. (e.g. health or legal professional)
Fees are agreed prior to the reading
Readings will not knowingly be given to clients aged under 18 years without written permission from their parent or guardian
Readings cannot be given about anyone other than the client, and questions relating to others (e.g. third parties, such as partners, family members, colleagues, etc.) will be re-phrased or declined.